Saturday, August 11, 2007

I Hate Gen-X

Geez...this guy needs to lighten up. Actually, his site is pretty funny.

I Hate Gen-X---[and Y]
Obvious and vulgar, living contrived lives (link)

..Gen-X lazily, carelessly celebrates all that is ugly. There is no intellectual curiosity nor motive behind their desire to tear down that which is beautiful or elegant, no "deconstructivist" artsy-fartsyisms at the root of their aesthetic terror campaign. Rather, they are truly slackers: intellectually atrophied, creatively empty, politically ignorant and inept, and...socially retarded..

    • Jeanine Garofalo Calculated frump. Utterly unfunny. She was, however, unintentionally hilarious during her saturation talkshow and news program appearances protesting the Iraq war, doing her usual shtick ... admiring herself as she smugly sprays words while saying absolutely nothing.

    • Ann Coulter A once minor functionary for Gingrich leftover Spencer Abraham (the toadlike former 1-term Senator) who proves that self-promotion can take you anywhere - including the halls of media power ... oh, and look for the irresponsible ranting cunt's new book (she praises Joe McCarthy!) which doesn't seem too concerned with things like historical fact

    • Kevin Smith He proves the point that Gen-X has nothing to say for he stated that he may make only ten films [merciful gods!] because he may "run out of things to say." After his shit-monster in 'Dogma' I kinda think he said it all.

    • Matt Drudge Rich and famous yellow "journalist." An early web entrepeneur, Drudge almost single-handedly started the wasteful debacle (money, time, reputations) of the Clinton impeachment over the Monica Lewinsky affair. Drudge has no formal journalism training, but now earns millions and is treated like a pundit on par with Washington pros who've worked the town for decades. New, lower standards indeed! He once admitted to homosexual "experimentation" and in the interest of equal [prurient] time, I think Clinton supporters would like to know, Matt, ... were you bottom?

    • Jack Black Not since Boomer James Belushi has someone so singularly untalented come along to hog up so much media space. Black is not good-looking, has no discernible talents, and is not the least bit amusing - despite his manic energy putting forth his over-the-top children's level shtick. Oh, by the way, your band sucks too Jack.

    • Monica Lewinsky Unlike Judith Exner, who knew to keep her mouth shut, this tubby cocksucker blabbed to 13 of her closest girlfriends that she was giving oral pleasure to our then president and thus gave the right-wing asshole Republicans all the ammo they needed to precipitate a constitutional crisis. Emblematic of the utter cluelessness about social responsibility and propriety Gen-X embodies.

    • Alanis Morisette I happened to catch the premiere of her breaththrough video (you know, she's wearing white and the video has blurry orange filters muddying the images) ... which I really liked. But that was her one good song. Everything she's done since has been from the lamb-in-heat school of vocalizations Gen-Xers seem to just love. They mistake bad singing for plaintive wailing. It just sounds whiney and awful, but Xers gobble it up.


Anonymous said...

How True, How True, How True. Shovel ALL of Generation-X straight into the FIRES OF HELL!

Julia said...

I totally agree! So true!!!!

keri said...

You big uneducated babies need to shut up and grow up. I was born in '75 so I have no way of escaping the label. Whatever (oops...a common phrase of my Generation......MY BAD. oops......Just did it a gain..........OH SNAP.....oooh wait....I guess Im too old to be saying THAT one....*shakes head, jest*) Im guessing you jackwads were born either before 1960 or after 1985? And if it is the latter...........don't even bother to talk....just txt it. *LOUDLY GUFFAWS IN DISGUST*