On 9th Sphere's blog (SEO Toronto), there’s an interesting posting by Lorne Fade about Facebook's much discussed (and debated) "Timeline" format. Since the day news of the new format was announced, I've heard a variety of emotions expressed by the Facebook user community. Many users jumped at the chance to update the “look” of their profile. Others took time to update their status proudly proclaiming (with unintended irony) how much they couldn't be bothered. Fair enough. Not everyone likes change.
Facebook Chart |
Fade concludes:
"I feel like the new Timeline is a great thing for Facebook as brands will have a chance to show off their creativity and uniqueness, while at the same time measuring performance to ensure their marketing efforts are having a positive effect."This is great food for thought for those companies who think that their internet marketing efforts are complete once they simply create a social media account.
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