Sunday, November 11, 2007

Gratuitous Cover-Up

Andrew Sullivan (an Obama supporter, BTW) analyzes TipGate.

It boogles the mind that in an open election where the GOP is very vulnerable (mainly because of Iraq) Hillary Clinton is the one the Dems want to go with.

Joe Biden, who's been the most consistent on Iraq and, I think, would WIN regardless of who the GOP nominates, is running third behind Clinton and Obama (whose "surrender at all costs" message won't carry a national ticket).

A Classic Clinton Lie? (link)

...Why? It's an absolutely trivial story - bu t its triviality is what's telling.

It is simply unsurprising that a story like this pops up with the Clinton machine - especially that quintessential Clinton touch of the ready $20 pressed into Esterday's hand the day after the story. A classic bribe to keep quiet perhaps? The kind of petty, cheesy sleaze that Clinton engaged in for decades, as he wove his way through every skirt in Arkansas and beyond.

I covered the Clintons for eight years. The one thing I learned about them is that they lie. It's reflexive to them; after decades of the lying that tends to infect the households of addicts, they don't have a normal person's understanding of truth and falsehood. They have an average sociopath's understanding of truth and falsehood. They lie about big things; they lie about small things; and they lie about things that are so trivial you can't believe anyone would bother lying about them. But the Clintons do. They did for eight years. They put the entire country through a trauma because they have no sense of what's true and false any more. Living in a relationship where lying has been integrated into its very essence will do that. They can't help it. Lying is their entropic state of being - big lies, small lies, and everything in between.

You can't trust a word from them. If that's what you want in a war leader, go ahead and vote for her.

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