Sunday, April 22, 2007

Boycott Google

The search engine Google is celebrating "Earth Day" today with a special home page graphic.

I've always been slightly annoyed that Google never puts up special graphics for religious holidays such as Easter, Passover, Ramadan, etc. BUT today they honor the "faith-based" idea of global warming with a picture of melting glacier.

How nice.

From now on I'm ONLY using Yahoo (yeah right, as if...).

Manny Lopez had a great "Earth Day" column in the Detroit News this morning. (link)

In celebration of Earth Day today, I test drove an SUV and pulled my 1966 Mustang out of storage.

I'd have done it earlier, but the frost and snow we've endured since spring started a month ago made it a bit inconvenient to do so -- and that's the truth. Remind me again how imminent the global warming threat is in Michigan.


How about instead Environmental Defense, the Union of Concerned Scientists, Greenpeace and all the Armageddon activists get together and put their money where their collective mouth is?

Chrysler is for sale. So is Delphi. Buy 'em. Expose the global conspiracy that the Big Three are allegedly part of by taking control of one of these companies and putting these hidden technologies into mass production.


Anonymous said...

I get annoyed when people say "we have really had alot of cold weather, so global warming must not exist"

These folks are morons. They obviously dont understand the concept of global warming. You dont measure temps in one part of the planet over a small time period to assess whether the planet is getting warmer.

You must take temp readings all over the planet every day and track the results over years. When you look at this data, it is obvious that the earth is warming.

Of course the 25% of the population that is retarded doesn't understand this. Because they are retarded.

Dee dee dee.

Matt Maul said...

As we've discussed, it's no worse than when people say "the winters now seem SOOOO different than when we were kids" as proof of global warming.

BTW, here's an article by a Canadian climotologist which I'll also add to the main posting area: