Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Step One: Marry Paul McCartney

An article about a possible book of "sex tips" from Heather Mills (Paul McCartney's ex) .

So, that's how she gets her kicks!! Oops, I mean her kick.

(Sorry, but what's a Heather Mills post without a wooden leg reference?)

From dotterspotter.com:

Is Heather Mills Writing a Sex Book? (link)

Heather Mills is reportedly planning to write a sex book with tips for women. Mills thinks of herself as a "sex guru" and plans to publish her book under a psuedonym because she's worried about a public backlash.

A source told the Mirror:
“I think Heather would like to set herself up as a female sex guru. But she is worried what people will think of her so she discussed the possibility of releasing the book under a false name. Heather believes there is a gap in the market for a good sex guide for women, as manuals are normally written from a man’s perspective."

The sourced added:
“She wants to give her little secrets away on how to attract a man and how to keep him happy in the bedroom. Despite the breakdown of her marriage to Paul [McCartney], neither has ever said anything bad about their sex life.”

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