Thursday, January 31, 2008

Deja Vote

Hard core Conservative commentators like Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham claim that many "true" Republicans would sit out the next election if John McCain gets the nomination.

Sounding as ridiculous as Alec Baldwin in 2004 when he pledged to move to Canada if Bush was re-elected, Ann Coulter said that she'd vote for Hillary Clinton over McCain.

Eight years ago, after McCain (who I thought was the most qualified to deal with foreign policy) got beat in the primaries, I sucked it up and supported George W. The Bush administration then proceeded to mismanage Iraq so badly that it has all but sent the GOP into a tailspin.

NOW, the Limbaughs and Coulters want me to put my trust in another GOP governor instead of McCain, or else THEY'LL bolt.

Well, all I'd say to them is don't let the door hit you in the ass.

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