Monday, September 22, 2008

Burned Again

Based on the lackluster finalists for #160, it'll be a cold day in hell before I win the New Yorker "Cartoon Caption Contest."

My entry was consistent with real estate jargon and the theme of damnation:

"...and the interior has plenty of that Old Testament charm."

The "winners," not so much:

  • "The heating system is pretty old but very reliable." - this can't seriously be among the "best"

  • "I strongly recommend that you read the fine print on this one." - okay, I guess

  • "The seller is extremely motivated." - send us Merrin!


Now is said...

You were cheated.
If I were President, you would win.

Anonymous said...

I love yours! Unbelieveable what they find to be the best out of thousands. I submitted, "A word of advice- don't try to lowball him."

Matt Maul said...

"A word of advice- don't try to lowball him."

Now THAT's funny.