Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Swine Foolish

E-freaking-gads, what was Barack Obama's writers thinking when they came up with this line that, intentionally or not, plays off Sarah Palins "pit bull with lipstick" joke?

From AFP (emphasis added):

"The other side, suddenly, they're saying 'we're for change too.' Now think about it, these are the same folks that have been in charge for the last eight years," the Illinois senator said to a crowd of 2,400 people.

"You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig. You can wrap up an old fish in a piece of paper and call it change. It's still going to stink after eight years. We've had enough," he exclaimed to a standing ovation.

How could they NOT realize that this would come across as Obama referring to Palin as a pig?

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