Friday, August 17, 2007

Or Maybe He Justs Sucks...

From (link)

Steven Seagal, the ponytail-sporting, martial arts-practicing, early '90s-era action hero, thinks that there's a simple explanation as to why the phone hasn't been ringing as much over the past five years, and, just like one of his big-screen characters, he wants someone to pay.

...The 56-year-old actor, who still works steadily but more in the straight-to-DVD genre of late, thinks he deserves an official apology from the FBI, which investigated him several years ago in connection with several shady endeavors, including a 2002 plot to frighten two reporters out of writing unflattering stories about him and his ex-business partner.

Actually, I can think of five other reasons why his career has stalled:
  • Into the Sun
  • Half Past Dead
  • Ticker
  • Exit Woulds
  • On Deadly Ground

1 comment:

tak said...

I believe this speaks for itself...

"In a sacred ceremony in Tibet, he was given the title Terton Rinpoche, "precious jewel." He took to wearing brightly colored silk robes, and visitors to his California homes reported that his staff waited on him hand and foot and always respectfully referred to him as "Rinpoche.""