Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Hello Newman

So, I open my PO Box the other day and inside I find a letter from my area's Postmaster.

The Post Office must be doing some anti-terror initiative to keep ner-do-wells from using PO Boxes for their nefarious activities because the first part of the letter said:

Please complete the attached PS Form 1093, Application for Post Office Box Service, and return it to our office. Postal regulations require that the form contain undated current information. We are in the process of updating these forms and appreciate your cooperation.
Being a good citizen, I filled out this form and, as requested, schlepped it back to the post office with two pieces of photo ID.

The guy behind the counter looks up and asks me WHY I'm filling out an application form for a box I already have. Has my information changed? No, I say. This was something YOU GUYS asked me to do.

He wanders to the back so he can ask someone else about it (the people waiting in line must have loved me). After a few minutes, he comes back and begrudgingly files my newly completed form. All the while, he's still shaking his head in confusion.

Doesn't the Post Office have departmental meetings to discuss these things?

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