Monday, July 12, 2010

What the Font?

Nothing says "I'm really pissed off" like a typeface used in cartoon talk bubbles.

From The Wall Street Journal:

LeBron and the Revenge of Comic Sans

Lost in the vitriol over the letter Dan Gilbert wrote to Cleveland Cavaliers fans Thursday night is the counter-vitriol from tech geeks about the type of font he used — the dreaded Comic Sans.

Gilbert, the Cavaliers’ majority owner, wrote an angry letter on the team’s website after LeBron James’s nationally televised announcement that he was leaving the team. It cited what he called James’s “cowardly betrayal” of the team and called the TV event a “narcissistic, self-promotional build-up.”

The open letter from Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert to Cleveland fans, written in Comic Sans.For whatever reason, all 421 words of the screed were written in the less-than-intimidating Comic Sans font. This fact is already on the Comic Sans Wikipedia page and it was all over Twitter shortly after Gilbert’s letter was published. A Tweet from Jsmooth995 decried Gilbert’s choice, saying “nobody who posts official statements in Comic Sans MS should be running an NBA team.”

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